Group Business

Guangshen Expressway

Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Guangdong
122.8 km
Own interest
Number of lanes
Expiry date

The Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway is the first expressway connecting Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen in Guangdong Province, China. It is a part of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway and also a part of the Shenyang-Haikou Expressway. The Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway has changed the “frequent congestion, long distance, and time-consuming” situation between Guangzhou and Shenzhen, promoted the economic and trade exchanges between Guangdong and Hong Kong and the prosperity of the local economy along the route, and accelerated the industrialization of rural areas and the integration of urban and rural areas along the route. The process of modernization, economic internationalization, well-off people’s lives, and taking the lead in basically realizing modernization.


Guangdong Province
Guangdong Province Expressway Passenger Car Type Classification and Toll Coefficient Table
category Vehicle Type Number of persons approved instruction
Class 1 Micro, small 9 Passenger cars with a length less than 6000mm and an approved number of passengers not more than 9 people
Type 2 Medium 10-19 Passenger cars with a length less than 6000mm and an approved number of (10-19) people
Class 3 Passenger car train - -
Type 4 Large 39 Passenger cars with a length not less than 6000mm and an approved number of passengers not more than 39 people
Category 5 ≥40 Passenger cars with a length of not less than 6000mm and an authorized capacity of not less than 40 people
Remarks: 1. The vehicle type classification shall be implemented in accordance with the industry standard of "Toll Road Vehicle Toll Vehicle Classification" (JT/T489-2019). 2. Large passenger cars with more than 40 seats are charged according to category 3 passenger cars.
Table of Classification and Toll Coefficients of Truck Types on Expressways in Guangdong Province
category Total shaft number (including suspension shaft) Vehicle length and maximum allowable total mass Charge factor
Class 1 2 The length of the vehicle is less than 6000mm and the maximum allowable total mass is less than 4500kg 2
Type 2 2 The length of the vehicle is not less than 6000mm or the maximum allowable total mass is not less than 4500kg 2.1
Class 3 3 3.16
Type 4 4 3.75
Category 5 5 3.86
Category 6 6 4.09
Remarks: 1. The vehicle type classification shall be implemented in accordance with the industry standard of "Toll Road Vehicle Toll Vehicle Classification" (JT/T489-2019). 2. For trucks with six axles or more, on the basis of the toll coefficient for category 6 vehicles, the toll coefficient for each additional axle increases by 0.17.
Table of Classification and Toll Coefficients of Special Operation Vehicle Models of Guangdong Province Expressway
category Total shaft number (including suspension shaft) Vehicle length and maximum allowable total mass Charge factor
Class 1 2 The length of the vehicle is less than 6000mm and the maximum allowable total mass is less than 4500kg 2
Type 2 2 The length of the vehicle is not less than 6000mm or the maximum allowable total mass is not less than 4500kg 2.1
Class 3 3 3.16
Type 4 4 3.75
Category 5 5 3.86
Category 6 6 4.09
Remarks: Vehicle classification is implemented in accordance with the industry standard of "Toll Road Vehicle Toll Vehicle Classification" (JT/T489-2019).
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